Nomination Info and Form

Importance of Having a Pool of Director/Directora Candidates:

It is very important for the Walk Ministry to have a pool of qualified Director/Directora nominees so the Secretariat can coordinate Walk events well in advance of the scheduled Walk dates.  Establishing a long range schedule allows sponsors to plan better with potential candidates and facilitates Community members planning to serve (i.e., more opportunities to choose from).

Requirements: Each Director/Director Nominee Must

• Not be serving as a member of Secretariat.
• Have been a speaker or table disciple on a Walk With Christ, a Walk to Emmaus, or a Cursillo.
• Have worked in the background at least once on a Walk.
• Have been a Core Team member on a Walk in one of the following capacities: Vice Director(a), Head Cha/Co-Cha, Chef/Co-Chef, Palanca Chair/Co-Chair, Recorder, Song Team Leader, Love Team Chair, or Agape Chair.

Fundamental Steps to Nominate Someone to Serve as a Director/Directora

• Identify Community members that meet the requirements to serve as a director.
• Obtain their permission to submit a nomination form (requires a time period of prayer).
• Complete a nomination form. You may need nominee’s help with their pastor’s contact information.

MUST type in first name and last name in the first box at the top left of the Nomination form: Name of Person Being Nominated.

• Submit the nomination form.

Pointers About Considering Who to Nominate for Director/Directora

If you think of someone but are hesitant to ask them because you are not sure if they have already directed or if they meet the requirements, contact the Walk Registrar to inquire about the person’s past Walk  experience.


Allow for ample prayer time. When you initially ask a person if they would be willing to be nominated,  it is best to give them a few days to pray about it.Tell them that you don’t want an answer right away, ask them to pray about it.


Be sure to tell anyone you talk with about being nominated that it is not a commitment to direct.  They can always decline if/when they are invited to pray about serving as a Director(a).  The time must be right for them.  Be sure to tell them that though they may feel that the time is not right for them at the  moment, they can remain in the pool for quite a while so opportunities may present themselves in the future when  circumstances may be better for them.  In other words, don’t eliminate the opportunities in the future just because the time is not right now when being asked to be nominated.


If you have any questions about the process or need any assistance, please contact a Nominations Committee member or send an email to

Pointers About Secretariat Nominations

Take into consideration the following when nominating someone for a Secretariat position.


Nominees should have a working knowledge of all aspects of The Walk With Christ (TWWC) ministry: Purpose of The Walk With Christ, TWWC Statement of Faith, The Walk With Christ Model, TWWC Bylaws and Walk manuals so they can help maintain TWWC’s unique history and traditions.


Review the Servant Description for the position for which you plan to nominate someone.

All Servant Descriptions are located with Community Resources under Secretariat Information.


Some Secretariat positions require specific skill sets:

  • Secretary must have computer, word processing and filing abilities.
  • Treasurer must have budget and related financial abilities.
  • Supply Chairs must have organizational abilities.
  • Spiritual Advisors must be ordained clergy.


All those serving on the Secretariat should have a basic understanding of parliamentary procedure. Click here to access a brief summary of parliamentary procedure. Additional information is located with other Community Resources under Secretariat Information; see links to four documents located under Robert’s Rules of Order.

Committee Nominations:

The Walk With Christ has seven standing committees: Advocate, Clown, Communications, Music, Nominations, Overseer and Registration. To learn what they each do, scroll down until you see Committees under the blue button labeled Secretariat Information located at the right side of the screen. If you’re interested in serving on one of the committees, call or email the Contact Person listed. According to the TWWC Bylaws, there must be a one-year break between those serving on the Advocate, Overseer or Nominations Committee and then serving on Secretariat or any other standing committee.

Questions about nominations should be sent to